Family: Wife, Daughter, Sister of Eight, Aunt, Stepmother, Step-Grandmother, Godmother
Sorority: National Committee Member, Immediate Past President, Past First Vice President, Past Treasurer
Church: Believer and Partner, Capital Funds Administrator

Foundation: Founder and Chairman
Education: Juris Doctor; Master of Education; Bachelor of Science, Chemistry; Master’s Certificate, Government Contracting; Medical Technology Certification
Business: Founder, President & CEO
Helping and providing support to others in her community is part of Jameece’s DNA. The Lord confirmed this for her one day by telling her to consider the legal names she’s had during her 50 years. This God-inspired revelation confirmed her purpose as she established The OPHELIA Foundation – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded on the principle of “helping others”:
Jamese Darcel Hill (birth name)
Jamese Darcel Eskridge (paternal name)
Jameece Darcell Latimer (adopted/maiden name)
Jameece Darcell Pinckney (married name)
Jameece is the embodiment of the spirit of helping others, and the pivotal moment when she realized this inspired her to step into her true destiny. The Lord encouraged her, empowered her, uplifted her, and inspired her to become the woman she is today.
Please click on the OPHELIA Foundation tab to learn more about her organization.